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December 07, 2023
By Fremont Christian 学校

十大博彩公司了解情商在塑造全面发展的个人方面发挥的关键作用. That's why we've partnered with Friendzy, a leading program in social-emotional learning (SEL), 为我们的学生提供丰富的体验. 在去年试行了这个项目之后,我对结果印象深刻, FCS has decided to expand the program across TK-12. 

Friendzy圣经友谊计划强调建立健康的学校文化,为学习创造安全的环境. The carefully structured TK–12 curriculum, rooted in scripture, 旨在培养学生的实用技能,比如尊重他人, confidence, problem-solving, 以及沟通——用于驾驭复杂的情感和关系. 教授友谊技巧可以帮助学生管理自己的情绪, 提高他们设定和实现积极目标的能力, feeling and showing empathy for others, maintaining positive relationships, and making responsible decisions. 

Friendzy涵盖了一系列基本的社交和情感技能. 从理解情绪到解决冲突和负责任的决策, 该项目为学生的个人成长提供了全面的基础. 课程被划分为针对不同年龄组的精心设计的模块, 确保适合学生年龄的内容与学生不断发展的经验相一致.

Friendzy的一个显著特点是它将在线资源与现实世界的应用程序相结合. Through an accessible online platform, students engage with videos, exercises, and activities designed to encourage self-reflection. 这种技术和实践学习的动态组合为我们的学生形成了身临其境的体验.

通过与Friendzy的互动,FCS老师和教育工作者已经观察到我们学生的生活产生了切实的积极影响. We see students developing increased confidence, compassion, and resilience as they navigate challenges. 

“Since I started using Friendzy with my 8th graders, I’ve noticed them helping each other more,” says our computer science teacher Maya Mathews. “他们会提醒彼此关于Friendzy的教导,如果他们注意到课堂上有人需要帮助,他们会花时间伸出援手. 他们甚至在下课铃后还会待一会儿,把椅子放回原位,整理教室. 与今年年初相比,这绝对是一个进步, 当他们经常在课后互相交谈并冲出教室时.”

学生们自己也能感受到Friendzy对他们十大博彩公司的积极影响, as evidenced by the chart below. 

Friendzy不仅仅是一种补充——它是一种转变的工具. Its methodical approach, combining online accessibility with tangible, applicable skills, 为学生的全面发展奠定坚实的基础.

Explore more by visiting 此次合作反映了我们对培养全面发展的人才的承诺,这些人才不仅具备学术知识,而且具备在不断变化的世界中茁壮成长所需的情商. 

5 Benefits of Play in Your Child’s Development

March 03, 2022
By Fremont Christian 学校

At Fremont Christian 学校, our early education 程序是有意在基于游戏的框架上建模的. 上午走到外面,你会听到欢快的尖叫声 elementary 小学生在小学操场或田野上玩游戏的学生. Even our secondary 学生们在早午餐和午餐期间有时间打篮球, volleyball, 足球, or other physical activities on the secondary field, in addition to the option to participate in our school’s athletic teams after-school. 


学校的游戏时间除了享受和休息学习之外,还有很多教育上的好处. Current research 不仅证实了游戏的好处,而且证实了它对孩子的身体和智力成长至关重要. 以下是在孩子成长过程中玩耍的一些主要好处.

Encourages Brain Development

在游戏中练习的一些关键领域包括社交技巧, language abilities, learning, and locomotor development (movement). In a research study published in the Brain Research Bulletin, 每天被允许玩30分钟的老鼠脑源性神经营养因子(BDNF)的产生增加。, a key molecule involved in both learning and memory. Physical exercise in humans has been proven to have similar positive effects.

Improves Physical 健康

It’s already widely known that exercise reduces the likelihood of obesity and unhealthy body mass index (BMI) levels. 研究还表明,经常运动的孩子更有可能 carry that habit into adulthood.


Reduces Stress & Disruptive Behavior

Children who played, 尤其是在一位有爱心的老师的监督下, 应激激素皮质醇明显下降, according to a 2017 article in Prevention Science. An article published the following year in Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews 强调了额外的健康益处:“[游戏]对于针对患有慢性或威胁生命疾病的儿童的心理社会问题的预防和治疗战略大有希望.换句话说,游戏有助于患有严重疾病的儿童的发展.

Builds Relationships

Just as in sports, play helps build relationships and strengthen social skills. 孩子们学习如何合作和沟通,以实现共同的目标. They also form bonds through their shared experiences, 无论是庆祝谜题的完成,还是在棒球比赛失败后互相安慰. 


Promotes Academic Skills

把这一切都和学校联系起来,玩耍时间也对成绩和考试成绩有积极的影响. 假装游戏可以提高语言技能,而建构游戏则显示出了这一点 improve math skills and problem-solving abilities, to name just two examples. “每天积极玩耍一小时的孩子能够更好地进行创造性思维和多任务处理,” a 2018 study published in the American Academy of Pediatrics 所述. 研究表明,7至9岁儿童的推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜可以提高注意力, cognitive flexibility, and executive control (skills that include memory, flexible thinking, and self-control), 所有这些都是在课堂上取得优异成绩的关键.


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